Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Story of Randy Price and Co, from the Man Himself

I’m Randy Price. I graduated University of Southern Mississippi in May of 1979 with a degree in Business Administration and Marketing. I worked for a Department store in Hattiesburg for 4 years as the Men’s buyer and in 1983 opened my own Men’s Clothing Store, Randy Price and Company.

Men’s Clothing has changed a lot during my career. It used to be dressy suit’s were the driving force in any man’s wardrobe. I mean, check out those 1950-60 movies and you’ll see what I am talking about. In the 70’s  and 80’s styles begin to change, but dressy Suits and Sportcoat’s were still the economic indicator of a the professional man. In the 80’s and 90’s styles begin to shift more casual and the term “ Casual Friday’ begin to be heard. .....go to the bank and see how many men are in a suit on Friday?

We’ll today…Suits and Sportcoat’s are still the economic indicator of a well -dressed man, but we are living in a different fashion world. Gen X is raised on Old Navy and Gap T shirts, they wear Uniforms to school and they get their fashion direction from their mother,  who bought the “latest fashion look” off the sale rack. And then…when they get ready to go off to college…they are in dire need of a fashion education.(sorry mom)   
Somebody has got to step up and inform the next generation that Southern Style is the leading look in Men’s and women’s   fashions today. I mean, I just got back from a New York fashion Trade show and the “old school brands” are struggling to survive. It was the Southern Brands that you had to “stand in line” to get an appointment to buy their product.

Southern is definitely in. Southern Tide, Southern Marsh, Southern Proper, Southern Point, and you mix all that with Peter Millar, Bill's Khakis. Patagonia, North Face...and you are one educated dude.

So if you are looking for fashion direction, look no further. The South is the Place…North East and West…are just directions!

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